Two:23 Safeguarding Policy
Two:23 is a gathering of Christians, connected by LGBT+ issues, who have discovered that ‘God loves us just as we are’. The purpose of this document is to establish and strengthen our support to people of all gender expressions and/or sexual orientations, underpinning our provision of a welcoming, inclusive space for all.
Whilst Two:23 inhabits the ecunemical sphere, this document was created through reference to policies produced by several key denominations, notably the Church of England and Baptist Union.
Definition of terms
Unlike traditional faith groups, Two:23 meets 6 times a year (5 meetings and 1 quiet day) with a congregation that travels from a wide geographical area; this spans different counties with local authorities, diocese and regional associations. As such, this policy recognises our limitations in relation to frequent contact with our attendees and instead seeks to protect the specific individuals in attendance at key meetings. Two:23 will liaise with key bodies if concerns are raised regarding individuals outside of these contact points, and do all in our power to promote the wellbeing of our attendees outside of meetings.
In this document:
A meeting is defined as: from the arrival of the welcome team until the last committee member has left the main venue.
Attendees are defined as: all within the building for the purpose of Two:23 meeting whether volunteer, guest speaker, regular, first timer, committee member etc. Two:23 is defined as: those on the committee making decisions and advocating on behalf of attendees.
Our safeguarding responsibilities
Two:23 recognises our responsibilities in safeguarding all children, young people and adults at risk; committing ourselves to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of all in attendance at our meetings.
In pursuit of this, we commit ourselves to this policy and to the development of sound procedures to ensure we implement our policy well.
Prevention and reporting of abuse
Two:23 will fully cooperate with any statutory investigation into any suspected abuse linked with the group, and any abuse disclosed, discovered or suspected during our meetings will be reported in accordance with our procedures.
Safer recruitment, support and supervision of volunteers
Two:23 will exercise proper care in the selection and appointment of those working with people at risk during our meetings. All volunteers will be provided with appropriate training, support and supervision to promote the safekeeping of children and adults at risk, and held accountable to the Code of ethics whilst working on Two:23 business.
Safer working practices
Two:23 is committed to providing an environment that is as safe as possible for attendees who may be at risk, and will adopt ways of engaging with them that promote their safety and well-being.
A safer community
Two:23 is committed to the prevention of bullying and will seek to ensure that the behaviour of any individuals who may pose a risk to children, young people and adults at risk during meetings is managed appropriately. Two:23 will escalate concerns that may cause risk outside of meetings to appropriate statutory bodies and officials.
Safeguarding contact points within Two:23
Two:23 has appointed the following individuals to form the safeguarding team:
Rachel Humphrey, Designated Person for Safeguarding (DPS)
They will advise on any matters related to the safeguarding of children and adults at risk and take the appropriate action when abuse is disclosed, discovered or suspected. Contact Rachel by email:​​